# vim: set ft=yaml:
# port
# the ssh port listen on
port: 2022
# obfs_key
# Specifies the key to encrypt the connection,
# if obfs enabled, only client known this key
# can connect
obfs_key: some_keyword
# ssh host key file
host_key_file: ./ssh_host_rsa_key
# obfs_method
# Specifies the encryption method.
# when this option is specified, the entire connection
# will be encrypted.
# when set to none, the encryption is disabled.
# Avaliable methods: rc4, aes, none(default)
obfs_method: "rc4"
# when set to true, only the ssh handshake packet is encrypted
disable_obfs_after_handshake: true
# show more log message
# value true or false
debug: true
# the users used by ssh server
# user can authorite by passwrod or by public key
# public key as same as OpenSSH
# public key or password must be specify one
# username
username: user1
# password, empty password means disable password authorize
password: ""
# public key file
authorized_key_file: /path/to/user/authorized_keys
username: user2
password: user2
authorized_key_file: /path/to/user/authorized_keys
username: user3
password: ""
authorized_key_file: /path/to/authorized_keys