# vim: set ft=yaml:
# host
# the server address
# host: ssh.example.com
# port
# the server port
# port: 2223
# proxy
# the proxy server to connect to
# supported scheme: http, https, socks5
# when scheme is http will create a tcp connection to proxy server
# and send http CONNECT request to target server
# when scheme is https will create a TLS connection to proxy server
# and send http CONNECT request to target server
# when scheme is socks5 will handshake with proxy server with socks5 protocol
# and send a connect request to target server
# https proxy has an sni and insecure options
# sni is the server TLS SNI name
# insecure indicates verify server certificate or not
# proxy:
# scheme: socks5
# host:
# port: 9050
# proxy:
# scheme: https
# host: www.example.com
# port: 443
# sni: example.com
# insecure: false
# obfs_method
# Specifies the encryption method.
# when this option is specified, the entire connection
# will be encrypted.
# when set to none, the encryption is disabled.
# Avaliable methods: rc4, aes, none(default)
# obfs_method: rc4
# obfs_key
# Specifies the key to encrypt the connection,
# if the server enable the obfs, only known the
# right key can connect to the server.
#obfs_key: some_keyword
# username
# specifies the user to log in as on the remote machine.
# username: user1
# password
# Specifies the password for log in remote machine
# password: 1234
# keepalive_interval
# Specifies the interval of keep alive message,
# the interval is integer in seconds.
# keepalive_interval: 15
# keepalive_max
# Specifies the max error count for keep alive,
# when the count reach the max, the connection will
# be abort.
# keepalive_max: 5
# private_key
# Specifies a identity(private key) for public key authentication.
# private_key: /home/user1/.ssh/id_rsa
# debug
# verbose mode
# debug: false
# not_run_cmd
# Do not execute commannd or start shell on remote machine.
# This is useful for just port forwarding.
# not_run_cmd: true
# disable_obfs_after_handshake
# disable obfs after ssh handshake
# when this option is specified, only encrypt the
# ssh handshake message.
# disable_obfs_after_handshake: true
# local_forward
# Listen a port on local side, when a connection is made to
# this port, the connection is forwared over the secure
# channel to host:portport from the remote machine.
# This option can be specified multiple times.
# format [bind_address:]port:host:hostport
# - :3311:
# -
# remote_forward
# Listen a port on remote machine, when a connection is
# made to that port, the connection is forwarded over
# the secure channel to host:hostport from the local machine.
# This option can be specified multiple times.
# format [bind_address:]port:host:hostport
# remote_forward:
# - :3123:
# - :3124:
# dynamic_forward
# Specifies a local dynamic application-level port
# forwarding. This listen a port on the local side
# and act as socks server, when a connection is made
# to this port, the connection is forwarded over
# the secure channel, the distination is determined
# by socks protocol.
# This option can be specified multiple times.
# format [bind_adress:]port
# dynamic_forward:
# - :3224
# -